Does’ Leap is an innovative, diversified farm specializing in a variety of fresh and aged certified organic goat cheeses and pastured whey fed pork. In an effort toward greater sustainability and self-reliance, much of our farm work - including haying, spreading manure, and firewood collection - is accomplished with draft horses and our electricity is produced with on farm solar collection. We also put maximum emphasis on our pasture management as a centerpiece to our farm, utilizing a mix of browse and high quality grass as a foundation for our goats diet. The pastured pork also enables us to renovate and improve land to make better pasture for the goats in subsequent years. As a result or our reliance on browse and grass, our cheeses and meats are of exceptionally high quality and take on the flavor of our varied vegetation and Vermont’s changing seasons. We believe in a diversified farm ecosystem where each aspect of our farm complements the other building something that improves and becomes more vibrant with time.